The BERNARD Gruppe, together with partner Arcadis, has been awarded the contract to provide planning and control services for TenneT’s 130 km long 380 kV network expansion project “Fulda-Main Line”. This represents an important step in Germany towards a sustainable energy transition.
With the aim of providing additional transport capacity between northern and southern Germany, the “Fulda-Main line” will in future connect Hesse (Mecklar and Dipperz substations) with Bavaria (Bergrheinfeld/West substation). Three extra-high voltage lines from the north and northeast meet at the Mecklar Network hub. From here, the incoming electricity is transmitted to the south. So far, however, the capacities have not been sufficient to reliably transmit the electricity when there is a high feed-in of renewable energies from the north.
The “Fulda-Main line” now increases this transmission capacity. In this way, electricity can be transported directly from Mecklar to Bavaria. At the same time, the safe transport of regionally generated renewable energies into the supra-regional transmission network is guaranteed. On behalf of the transmission grid operator TenneT, the Arcadis – BERNARD consortium will take over the control, planning and construction supervision for the overhead line project with immediate effect until its commissioning in 2031. The project is to be seen as a further milestone in the German energy transition.
Wolfgang Holzer, BERNARD Gruppe
Photo: © TenneT TSO GmbH