With the construction of the 380 kV Salzburg line, the existing 220 kV line owned by the Austrian Power Grid AG (APG) will be modernized so that electricity from alternative energy sources can be provided at peak times.
For the modernization of APG’s existing power line, the BERNARD Gruppe has been commissioned for four of the six construction sections, as well as the overall management. The project provides that energy generated by wind power will be transported to the west of Austria. This alternative energy will then be stored by a pumped storage power plant to make it available at peak times.
Since part of the route of the 380 kV Salzburg line runs in the mountains, some overhead line pylons must be erected at steeply inclined sites. In these cases, the construction pit slopes will be stabilized by means of temporary shotcrete nail walls. After the completion of the micro pile foundation, the corner posts of the mast base will be concreted into the foundation. The installation of the overhead line pylons for the 380 kV Salzburg line will be carried out by overhead line fitters secured to the rope. The barrel-shaped support mast, which is being erected in the Flachgau region of Salzburg, will reach a height of almost 70 meters after completion, with a weight of approx. 30 tons.
Daniel Kößler, BERNARD Gruppe