The BERNARD Gruppe is developing a decision-making basis for the city of Oldenburg to select the preferred solution for existing traffic problems in the Ofenerdiek district.
The Oldenburg (Oldb.) municipal authorities have been concerned with the assessment and management of the future effects of the modernization of the Oldenburg-Wilhelmshaven railway line for several years. After the Jade-Weser-Port (deep-water port) had gone into operation in 2012, the expansion of the railway line and the modernization of the safety and control technology, among other things at the level crossing “Am Stadtrand”, became necessary due to the increase in transport traffic.
In recent years, the BERNARD Gruppe has supported the city of Oldenburg and Deutsche Bahn with several simulation-based traffic studies to provide a well-founded quantitative and qualitative assessment of the port’s consequences on motor vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Thus, the effects of changed barrier closing times – due to more frequent train journeys and longer trains – on the Oldenburg urban road area could be determined and transparently taken into account in the plan approval procedure and a separate railway test procedure (according to German environmental legislation (UiG)).
The BERNARD Gruppe is also involved in the further planning process for the proposed variant currently under discussion for an alternative road underpass under the railway line with the removal of the level crossings “Am Stadtrand” and “Karuschenweg”. The associated advantages and disadvantages compared to the level crossing variant will be worked out in ta comparative analysis and presented to the interested and committed committees.
Jörg Stowasser, BERNARD Gruppe