Experts from the BERNARD Gruppe provided training to traffic engineers in Erbil, Iraq. In a five-day training course, the participating engineers were taught the basics of transport planning and traffic engineering.
The knowledge transfer included theoretical basics, the conception and optimization of a local intersection, as well as software training. As a practical example, the improvement of the traffic situation of an intersection could be worked out on site. In this way, all essential parts of consulting, design and realization services in the field of transportation were pointed out and explained.
The participants showed great interest, as the approach which was presented had previously been unknown to them. The Chamber of Engineers committed itself to continuing this training program, thus confirming the success of this project.
The course is part of the “Capacity-Building Measures with the Kurdistan Engineers Union and Establishment of an Engineers’ Academy” project which is supported by the Private Sector Development & Employment Promotion (PSD) Project. The PSD is co-funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the European Union. It is implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in cooperation with the European Technology and Training Centre (ETTC) and the Kurdistan Engineers Union (KEU).
Sirwan Khaleefa, BERNARD Gruppe
Photo: Ismael Jamal (ETTC)