Around 80 partners from business and science are developing the foundations for an intelligent transport infrastructure, vehicle technology concepts and industrial applications. The BERNARD Gruppe is working on the project: GAIA-X Advanced Mobility Services (AMS).
One practical example of the application of AMS is the creation of a prototypical networked and secure rescue corridor. By designing the rescue corridor, by merging dynamic traffic data and by assuring priority at traffic lights, a green-wave system can be provided for emergency vehicles.
Automated vehicles are another example of the application of AMS. By evaluating data such as the current position and motion state of the individual road user in relation to the evaluated data of the rest of the road users, it can be determined whether safe automated driving is possible under the current driving conditions.
Under the project name Gaia-X 4 MoveID – Decentralized digital identity and data sharing, all these traffic data will subsequently be networked and merged in an EU-wide cloud. The collected data can be used to increase traffic safety and reduce emissions at the same time.
In this process, ensuring security and trustworthiness in a future Internet of Things (IoT) is also an important aspect, taking into account European values of trust and privacy.
Stefan Schwarz, BERNARD Gruppe
Photo: © Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V. (DLR)