The BERNARD Gruppe can look back on multiple achievements and project highlights. We would like to thank our clients, partners and employees for the trust they have placed in us and send our best wishes for a happy, healthy and successful New Year 2025!
In 2024, the BERNARD Gruppe was working on exciting projects in a wide range of engineering disciplines. Many of these projects were interdisciplinary. You can find selected highlights of our Business Units here:
In our Energy Business Unit, we are actively involved in shaping grid expansion. After being assigned the routing of the power line between Heide and Hamm (Amprion), we are also carrying out the respective soil investigations.
The main work on the Koralm Tunnel (ÖBB) was completed on 30 November 2024 with a high level of commitment. In this generational project, the BERNARD Gruppe was responsible for permit application design, technical tunnel design and local site supervision of the construction work and technical equipment.
For Tyrol’s first hydroelectric power plant, located in Vomperbach, we are preparing the permit application design for the reapproval under water law.
As engineers you can trust, we are making our contribution to the transition to renewable energy.
In our Industry Business Unit, all our services are focussed on cutting-edge technologies. Our in-house developed products were expanded and developed, including intelligent traffic counting in combination with intelligent traffic control and parking space management, e.g. for the reservation system of the car park operator (Euro Rastpark Gruppe).
Innovation is also the name of the game in plant construction. Among other things, we are supporting a manufacturing industrial company (August Weckermann) in achieving energy self-sufficiency. The solar energy is stored in the hydrogen and electricity is made available for production, as required, by means of a fuel cell system.
In the field of development, the “ALMODA” research project has been completed this year. In the final scenario, the use of drones for fire detection, including rescue helicopters, was demonstrated. Our AI-based sensor technology provides the current traffic status.
As engineers you can trust, we are working on innovative projects.
Our Infrastructure Business Unit is characterized by digitalization and interdisciplinary collaboration. An example is the new tunnel construction project “Fernpassscheiteltunnel” in the province of Tyrol. BIM (Building Information Modeling) is becoming increasingly important here due to the complex terrain.
In environment and spatial planning, sustainability remains particularly important, e.g. in projects including the preparation of environmental impact assessment documents or the mapping of plant and animal habitats, such as for the expansion of the S3 Weinviertel expressway (ASFiNAG).
Our projects also include an international cooperation in India. As part of a consortium, we support cable car projects from the feasibility study to the tendering stage, e.g. in Kullu (National Highway Logistics Management Limited).
As engineers you can trust, we are working on sustainable projects.
In our Mobility Business Unit, we are actively shaping the mobility transition from concept to implementation.
In urban planning, we are pleased to be supporting Germany’s largest light rail projects in Cologne and Munich. Our services in these projects range from design to site supervision as well as to traffic guidance measures during the construction period.
We also work on numerous projects in heavy rail transport, such as a project in Vorarlberg, the new Götzis railway station. Here, we are able to provide traffic route construction and project planning services as a one-stop shop.
Other projects include conceptional design services, such as our traffic study in Leipzig. To define the transport infrastructure required for opening up a new project area, we examine and evaluate the traffic effects for cycling and walking, public transport and motor vehicle traffic.
As engineers you can trust, we are working on fair solutions.
Engineers you can trust