The BERNARD Gruppe is working in a consortium with Arcadis on the “SuedLink”, one of the largest infrastructure projects of the energy transition. The planning approval documents for the last section (B3) in the responsibility of the consortium were handed over to the project sponsor, TransnetBW, as planned.
The planning approval documents have already been submitted to the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA). Thus, the permit application design phase has been completed. The company is currently in the execution design phase.
With a length of around 700 kilometers, SuedLink is one of the largest infrastructure projects of the energy transition. From the end of 2028, SuedLink will connect the windy regions of northern Germany with Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg as a direct current underground cable link. The connection is being realized by the two transmission system operators TransnetBW and TenneT.
Andreas Krobatschek, BERNARD Gruppe