The ÖBB-Technische Services-GmbH is planning a new workshop in Innsbruck for the technical maintenance of local trains. The BERNARD Gruppe was commissioned with the complete project design in a consortium with Ostertag ARCHITECTS.
The requirements include a high-quality and sustainable design and realization of the project. The early delivery and commissioning of the new fleet of vehicles also entails an efficient and rapid execution of construction work, in compliance with the approved costs and deadlines. The proximity between the construction site and the Tyrolean site of the BERNARD Gruppe also underscores the focus on locally available resources and on an ecologically sound use of materials. In addition, with the construction of the new depot the technical building equipment will be optimized and cleaning and maintenance costs will be considered and minimized. Apart from an improved functionality, the new building will also be barrier-free, safe, and bright. In this project, our Engineers you can trust will be responsible for structural analysis and design, railroad infrastructure, track construction and transport planning as well as design coordination.
Martin Lonsing, BERNARD Gruppe
Photo © ÖBB