The existing 220 kV power line, which is owned by Austrian Power Grid AG (APG), runs from the Salzburg substation in Elixhausen via the Hagengebirge mountains to the Tauern substation in Kaprun and was built in 1960. After a long period of operation, modernization is now urgently required: On average, the province of Salzburg obtains more than 50 percent of its power consumption from the APG grid. The construction of the 380 kV Salzburg line will continue to guarantee Austria’s stable power supply.
The Salzburg power line is one of the country’s major energy transition projects. This is because wind power is also produced when it is not actually needed (for example, at night or at the weekend). The excess wind power is then transported to the pumped storage plants in the west of Austria. There, this power is used to pump water from lower situated reservoirs to reservoirs at higher elevations. In turn, this water can be used to generate electricity at peak times.
The route of the Salzburg line will extend over a length of 128 kilometers and run between the Salzburg substations in Elixhausen (Flachgau) and Tauern in Kaprun (Pinzgau). In the course of the new construction, 449 masts will be erected.
The BERNARD Gruppe has been commissioned with the local site supervision in four of the six construction phases and the overall site management.
Daniel Kößler, BERNARD Gruppe